yugoslavia tesla featured

Nikola Tesla inventor engineer out of this world 5 (1)

Nikola Tesla greatest inventor of all time. Nikola Tesla a Croatian born inventor from the mid 1800’s. He was a genius, an electrical, mechanical engineer, a trailblazer who was best known for his improvement to the  modern alternating current (AC) supply in terms of electricity. His place of birth was the old Austrian Empire, which…

sebastian benalcazar

Sebastián de Benalcázar Conquistador in 10 sucres Ecuador Banknote 5 (1)

Sebastián de Benalcázar Born in 1480, in Córdoba, Spain.  He was also known as Sebastián de Belalcázar, a Spanish conquistador (or conqueror). He is attributed to be the instituter of early colonial cities in South America, the northwestern areas.  Such as Quito, Ecuador in 1534 and Cali, Pasto, Popayán, Colombia in 1537. Benalcazar led explorations…

catherine mcauley 1

Catherine McAuley; a Sister of Mercy 0 (0)

Catherine Elizabeth McAuley  was an Irish catholic sister, who started the religious order of The Sisters of Mercy in 1831.  The nobility of teaching religion, as well as literature has been attributed to catholic sisters, as they taught not only to Catholics, but also to Protestants.  This was the norm during those times (in 1800’s),…

gaucho brazil 2

South American Gaucho shown in banknote 0 (0)

Gauchos a traditional rancher, from  South America.  They are found in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. They are skilled horse riders, known to be fearless and running their game. The gaucho is a symbolic rambler in Argentina. Gauchos are esteemed, greatly aggrandized in fables, lore and became an identifying part of their local culture . The gaucho…

ruminahui full

Ruminahui head Chief General of Quito, Ecuador 5 (2)

Ruminahui a/k/a Rumiñahui, a/k/a Ruminawi, was Ecuador’s head Inca Chief. Rumiñahui comes from Quechua language (ancient Inca language) that mean rumi (stone), ñahui (face or eyes).  So he is depicted as the stone face native warrior. Rumiñahui was Atahualpa’s general stationed in Quito (Ecuador’s capital).  While the rule on Inca empire extended from parts of…